The Search is On! Register for the First Edition of The Intellects Pageant
Amsteph Empire and Creative Entertainment Bulletin proudly presents
The Intellects Pageant (TIP)
Symbol: Beauty for Humanity
Little Miss Intellects: 6-12 years
Miss Intellects Teen: 13-19 years
Miss Intellects: 20-27 years
They would use their reign for Good causes which would be mostly Focused on Child and Women Welfare & Education, Health, Poverty Alleviation, Unemployment mitigation, Cancer Awareness, through Pet projects improving and developing Nigeria and Africa at large.
$500USD Cash Prize
Represent Nigeria in an International Pageant
Educational Grant (if still in school)
Landed Property in Abuja, Nigeria
Modelling/Movie Contracts
Endorsements and many more...
Nigerian Female (by citizen or birth)
Ages 6-27 years
Mode of Application
Pay a sum of N5,000 into the following account:
Account Name: Creative Entertainment Bulletin
Account Number: 02594455258
Bank: GT Bank
Then log on to to register.
Audition Date and Venue will be sent to applicants.
For Inquiries/Sponsorship/Partnership
Social Media: @theintellectspageant
Kindly share
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