Interview: Read what Queen Alohan have to say about the ill name of pageantry in Nigeria...
Hello, may we meet you?
My name is Alohan Margaret, the current Princess of the World Africa 2017.
A graduate from the University of Abuja studied Bsc Accounting I am the last child of my parents.
The search started since last year but the contest was held in March online...
I contested alongside 11girls from Sierra Leone, Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria of which 4 winners emerged and I was lucky to be one of them
The pageant is all about serving humanity and being a Beauty Queen with just a sash and crown...
The pageant can affect young girls positively because it can show them how to believe in themselves and also to help others at all times.
When did you started pageantry and how have it affected you positively?
I started pageantry at age 8 as my first I participated as a Beauty Queen in a March pass and my second was when I was in secondary school where I was crowned Miss Spelling Bee and since then pageantry has been a part of me. it has affected me positively due to the impact it has made me put in people's life.
I've heard girls grumbled bitterly about pageantry in Nigeria, who do you think is at fault, the Organisers or the Girls? Why and how do you think this can be reversed?
Thanks for this question I believe girls are at fault every girl wants to be called a Queen so they go extra miles to impress organisers. An organiser of a pageant can never force you to do what you don't want to do but if in any case girls start calling organiser bad name it's their fault I call that desperation having a crown you don't merit just to gain the beauty and be called queen
What platform do you intend to project as Princess of Africa?
Presently I am working on a campaign Violence against Women and Children....its really going big and it's a 3 stage project
First: Internet Campaign
Second: Road Walk in about 10 states in Nigeria
Third: Questions and Answers sections on the street TV skit
Fourth: an International Conference on domestic violence.
How would you describe yourself to the world?
I am someone who believes in humanity
I started giving knowing that the things people value in life, the Gucci shoes, Ferrari cars and Luis Vuitton bags... if you set fire on them they will burn to ashes. But influencing a life is an enduring
What motivated you to join beauty pageant?
When I was growing up I have always have passion for it anytime I watch Miss Nigeria I just feel am part of the contestants and follow up till they crown their Queen and I will start wishing I was the one. It's also an easy way for me to create impact.
Why did you choose Princess of Africa over others?
I choose the pageant due to its a free and fair pageant.
What are the qualities that you think help you clinch the crown?
I contested for fun not to win 1 thing I suspect made me win was my pet project and self discipline.
Who do you think was your biggest competitor in the contest?
My biggest competitor was Queen Harry Boma who is currently Princess of Africa Tourism.
Thank you for your time...
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